Most businesses have been severely affected because of the COVID19 pandemic. No matter what industry you are in the effects of the virus will inevitably be long-lasting.
Despite the damage, there are some ways to minimize the long-term impact of the pandemic on your business and operations. One of the ways to minimise the impact is to strengthen your marketing. Marketing can communicate your value proposition to your customers faster in the most efficient way.
Customers buying behaviour has changed and so the way you communicate with your customers also needs to change, Businesses which were using traditional ways of marketing will have to shift to using Digital platforms and businesses which are already using digital will have to strengthen their digital efforts to minimize the impact of the pandemic.
One of the ways to quickly scale up your marketing efforts is to outsource your marketing to a reputed outsourced marketing organisation.
How can outsourcing marketing support your business? Here are a few ways in which an outsourced marketing agency can help in scaling up your marketing
Advantages you get by Outsourcing your marketing
1. You’ll Save on Costs
COVID-19 has taken an enormous financial toll on many businesses. While saving money is always appealing, during the COVID-19 pandemic, cutting costs will prove essential to surviving. One way to reduce spending is to outsource your marketing to an external agency.
Outsourcing marketing is less expensive compared to hiring in-house employees, whom you’ll also have to pay benefits, provide infrastructure and training. Many companies are replacing full-time employees with freelancers and outsourced services to help them sail through these difficult times.
2. You Can work Remotely
Most of the workforce around the world has been forced to stay inside given the dangers of exposure to the virus in an office or other workplace setting. However, not all jobs or individuals can adapt to working remotely. Many businesses and their employees have struggled to adapt to this new structure, with some having enormous difficulty keeping operations going.
Outsourcing marketing providers, on the other hand, are accustomed to remote work, given that they often serve clients in different areas. They know how to communicate and complete projects outside the office, which translates to efficiency and productivity.
3. You Can Focus on Core Business Functions
Businesses can’t stop in the face of the pandemic. You need to keep your organization moving forward. This means focusing on the most urgent and pressing tasks and overcoming day to day obstacles in re-establishing the business. But other operations, including marketing – can’t be ignored.
Outsourcing your marketing to an external agency can give you back time and energy to focus on your business’ strengths. If you already have a marketing department, you could outsource your social media to an outside service while you develop a new marketing strategy.
4. Shorten the Onboarding Process
If you have to scale up your marketing you will have to hire new employees. It’s enormously difficult to find the right employees, hire them, and onboard new employees during the pandemic. Even the most minor of tasks, such as checking a new employee’s credentials is an obstacle since you’ll be unable to inspect it in person.
But if you outsource your marketing to an established agency, you’ll eliminate many of these tasks entirely. The company has already trained employees, who would be able to execute your new jobs with immediate effect. The employees of the partner you hire will already have the knowledge and expertise to complete the job.
5. Leverage the Best Resources and Tools
The outsourced marketing agency will have the necessary tools to work virtually. This will give you access to cutting-edge technology, too, since they’ll be using their tools to create your projects. This will translate to a more polished and higher quality product.
Using an outsourcing marketing company is one way to maintain continuity and quality. Your customers will notice the businesses who work hard to serve them and continue to produce consistent products and services.
There’s no doubt that the pandemic has been difficult and even disastrous for many organizations. You may have lost money, had to lay off employees, or even been forced to reduce the number of services or goods you produce. But being proactive and developing strategies now, rather than later, will help you weather the storm.
Scaling up your marketing by Outsourcing it to an agency can help you to find solutions that are right for your business and help overcome setbacks of the pandemic faster.